Introducing Dental Vibe Introducing Dental Vibe. A virtually pain-free way to get injections. For years many people chose not to go to the dentist because they were afraid. What if they had a cavity and needed an injection? This was very scary for many people. Through breakthrough technology..

Introducing Dental Vibe. A virtually pain-free way to get injections. For years many people chose not to go to the dentist because they were afraid. What if they had a cavity and needed an injection? This was very scary for many people. Through breakthrough technology Dental Vibe was created, and now coming to see us is anxiety free.

Many patients have reported that when we use this device it takes away the pain of injection. Dental Vibe creates a vibration on the gum tissue that sends a signal to the sensory area of the brain. The brain focuses on the vibration not on the injection. Patients can now have dental treatment without fear or anxiety. Many patients tell their friends and family about their pleasant experience. Once you’ve experienced Dental Vibe you will never have another shot without it. Coming to the dentist is now an easy and anxiety free experience.


  1. Anonymous on July 9, 2015 at 3:07 pm